A time for trying new things...

7/19/04 by mushingirl

Oldestgenxer, I am very happy for you and your family. I wish you the very best of luck with your new restaurant and home in Troy.
I have actually been to Troy before, I think.
I too am at the opening of a new chapter in my life. As Scott knows, I have resigned my position at the mighty Herald & Review. I could go on a rant of several hundred words pertaining to exactly why, but I will spare you my detailed description of the bottom of the bus.
It is a decision which has been weighing on me for a few months now. It is just time for a change.
I think jabbering with Scott is one of the things I will miss the most. This is why I am happy we both have forums set up on our sites, so we can jabber long distance. I likey technology.
For anyone who hasn't set up a user name on the boards here yet, you should. They are easy to use and a lot of fun.
For anyone who has not set up a user on my boards yet. Hi, my name is Keri Jo, it is nice to meet you. Now go sign up at www.mushingirl.com.