A Trip to the Nuthouse

12/22/04 by Racheal

So, here are some recent highlights of my work at the children's home. Some people don't really understand what it is that I do... but I think these scenarios will help you envision it.

Playing wiffle ball with a broken bat. But, playing anyway.

Being thankful that wiffle balls don't hurt when you are hit in the head with them.

turning around and hearing a kid say to nobody in particular as he stands there all slackjawed, "I farted at school today."

Watching a kid survive a running head butt into another kid.

Hearing a kid say, '"You are messing with the wrong Wolverine" Again... to nobody in particular.

Having a kid make up the best song EVAAAR for me, because I made a good meal of baked pasta and meatballs with cheese and sauce. it went like this. : You Rock! This looks so good. I am going to call you Rocky from now on. Rocky the turtle! *sings* Rocky the turtle.. doing the nerdle... wearing a girdle:

Being kissed about 10 times on the shoulder, because I am cool... but mostly, because the kid thinks I won't notice.

A child telling me his sonic the hedgehog and running back and forth for an hour commanding that I watch how fast he runs, when he is just barely running faster than I walk and with a limp at that... then he demands that I watch his blade. The BLADE on his head... as he winds it up like he is turning the pedals on a bike and makes a whirring sound, He "cuts" through a lock on the disaster kit. Lucky for us that the lock was enchanted and grew back together immediately.

Tucking in a 17 year old boy who weighs only 82 pounds.

Having a child call me a porcupine mother fucker with a jerry curl and cottage cheese face. (wtf?)

Being told that my boyfriend was shrek.

Being told that my boyfriend was shrek because I was princess fiona

Being told that i was princess fiona because I have long hair and am "fat like that".

Having an 82 pound seventeen year old boy tell me that if I touch his coat with my dirty hands again he was gonna "get mean" and trust him... I didn't want that.

Overall, this job isn't that bad... I like it is sometimes, but sometimes... it is just too crazy.

Here are some pictures of the types of kids I work with.