Up In Smoke

12/9/03 by scott

In an effort to get those Camels off my back, I've decided to try an experiment. I've had a nicotine detector surgically implanted in my throat that will monitor when I've had a cigarette and post the results to this website. That way, the whole world (or at least three of you) will be able to see how long my willpower has held out. If you see this index reset back to zero, make sure you send me a nasty email or something. I really need to quit, because walking up the steps to our apartment is getting harder and harder. One day Kim is going to come home to find me sprawled out on the fourth step up gasping for air and a bag of groceries spilled all over the place. No one wants that, so please help me abstain from those good old Turkish Jades, and keep an eye on that index!