"Letter From an Old Guy", vol. 1

3/12/04 by scott


I just wanted to let you know that I do in occasion check out your site, and in fact I was just there, although I don't remember much. And I did view your uncensored pics of "domesticated animals gone wild."

So I there is this guy I work with, Karl, who is quite the ultra-liberal. Maybe you are too, in which case I cant help you. But the motivating factor behind all of his political beliefs is the "conspiracy." He lives in a world much like our own, except for these invisible controlling influences in the government and the media and society in general. We are all puppets.

Even when the government does something good, it is for dubious reasons. The news is not really the news. but only what they want us to see.

When he explained it like this, it all made perfect sense.

But I had an epiphany the other night, and as with most epiphanalia, I took it to the most secure medium I could think of: the white board where I work. But I continued to go back to it, until I had run it into the ground and stomped on it. It had metamorphosed. The next logical step, of course, after an epiphany, is sarcasm.

The true conspiracy is creating conspiracies to keep the nutbags occuppied.

This doesn't apply to you, Karl

Unless you think it does.

Then it really, really doesn't.

It went on to long, and yet I still had a burning desire to go back and write "Soylent green is people!"

My point being, I may not be as edgy and hip as you and your peoples, but I have a dark, bitter cynism that only years of providing service to customers can instill. You should put this letter on your site, call it "letter from an old guy" and I can provide a new one every 1-6 months. Or more sporadicallly if you prefer. But I have a story to tell. When I remeber parts of it, I will let you know.