Announcing Attention Deficit Something!

4/7/04 by scott

Wow. Have you seen that picture of Phil with the sexy handlebar moustache? Now that's sexy! You ladies better contact him quick before he's drowning in hotties!

I hate to do this to Phil again, but I regret that I must post immediately after him once more, assuring that he will never hold the top article spot for more than a couple of hours.

But I do have a good thing to announce. Sort of. Attention Deficit Theater is now open!

I know you've all been patiently waiting for some new Scott Powers comics for over a year now, and I feel like I have to reward you with one (count 'em, one!) new page of comics! But the plan is that I will add a new one every week or so. These comics will be short and unrelated because I can't seem to keep my focus on drawing anything lately, but it's something. They may not be that great, but I need to get back into practice. This first one's kinda cheap, and I used some computer assistance to snazz it up, but it's a start. Also, check out those svelte curtains on the theater screen that I stole from Super Mario 2!

So sit back and enjoy the show. From now on, you can get to the Attention Deficit Theater from the 'Comics' link on the left side of the page. So check back often, because you never know when there might be a new one!

Thanks to Phil for pointing out that I had originally misspelled deficit. Damn these hooks!