Specially Blended to Emit Carbon Monoxide

4/8/04 by philh

Wow! Wow is all that I can say! Dorals are great. I had previously viewed webdisaster.net without smoking Dorals, but now have unlocked the secrets behind enjoying this website. It all lies in the consumption of carbon monoxide (CO for the chemically gifted).

Let me explain further. Days have gone by and I typically cruise into the webdisaster neighborhood when checking email to see if any new articles have been posted. During this phase, my handy pack of Dorals have remained in the living room. However, tonight I brought them with me.

Through my carbon monoxide induced stupor, I have viewed a partially naked Phil with a fu-manchu mustache, crying babies (one of which was dressed in a weird bear costume), and a strangely cute fortune cookie girl who is wiping poop on her chin. Damn, these Dorals are good.

Let this be a lesson to all viewers of this material: FOR BEST RESULTS, VIEW WEBDISASTER.NET WITH A PACK OF DORALS! They have made my world rockin' tonight.