6/21/04 by drinknsmoke79

I know you are already excited about my new post, well get your hopes down, way down. This is not going to be an apple orchard of excitement like my other articles. No way Jose ,Benito. My only problem is this – no matter how cool it may be to have super powers , I must inform you that if (L.O.P.) is formed ,which would be for the good of all mankind, there would be many obstacles to overcome. Some of which are , 1.what uniforms will you wear? you have enough money to build an elaborate secret hideout? will you keep from being misunderstood like batman? And finally ,4. where were you when the world stopped turning?(the illiopolis plastics plant explosion) Perhaps these are all easy problems to overcome and I am merely blinded with envy, for you see I have no super powers. I watched zoolander 2wice yesterday and still nothing! So congratulations no traction dude and insignificant multitasking lady for I will not be joining your crusade of mediocrity, instead I will be a carpenter like jesus and be humble without boasting and bragging about super powers like yours that you have so thoughtlessly jammed into my eyes like so many misguided q-tips! By the way,zoolander is stupid. Take that with your pee break/cigarette/typing/not preventing explosion and shove it in your pipe and smoke it! You too traction man! p.s. can I be in your club?