You win this round, oldestgenxer!!

6/24/04 by scott

Okay, okay. Apparently I owe someone an apology. If only I could remember who...

Maybe I can follow this line of amazingly clean footprints to the culprit...

Okay, so I was totally wrong about what makes a good website. The LOP has opened my eyes to the fact that a metric pantload of short posts that may or may not be good is much better than, say, one post a month that may or may not be good and may or may not be about my ailing prostate.

But in true supervillian fashion, I refuse to learn my lesson! See, I've now hatched a brilliant master plan in which I take the mass jumble of brilliant ideas that have been thrown around this site recently, mix them in a martini shaker, pour them out into a glass called 'Scott's brilliant master plan', and never give you all any credit for it!


See, lemme break it down foyuh:

Okay, it's like this:

Here goes:

Everybody knows that comics and roleplaying games should go together in more places than just right after each other in the $25,000 pyramid category 'Things a dork likes', right? They better know that, or my site really sucks. Please don't comment on that.

Anyway, my idea is this: Anyone who would like to participate in this experiment will create a superhero character much like you've already done yourselves, only you'll also flesh out more details. Like what your character's name is and what he/she is stronger than, weaknesses, etc... Then, acting as comic artist and DM (disaster master), I'll draw out a scenario (probably where all of you get together in some sort of superhero team and earth is threatened by some sort of evil madman which, of course, I will control. MWA HA.) Then, you will have a certain time period to respond with what your character attempts to do, say, etc, then I'll draw that in for the next few panels in a hastily constructed, pencil-on-notebook-paper style remeniscent of the Stupidity Force comics I used to draw in junior high. So then, when an episode is finished, we'll post it publicly for everyone to see, and it may or may not be good.

So that's the idea. It may be just me meddling in the formula more than I need to because of my obsessive urge to pick at things, or it may be a pretty good plan. I dunno. Email me and let me know what you think, and I can defer to your wisdom (steal your ideas again.) I just want to see if anyone is willing to participate in a sort of team-written comic/RPG thing before I go building all the code that would make it work. I'm out now too.