Read directions carefully.

6/30/04 by oldestgenxer

So, I was sitting here, composing a brilliant treatise on something, I don't quite remember, and I went to preview it, and all of my glorious work disappeared, leaving me with my, you know, keyboard in my hand.
I dont remember the article exactly, and even now, as the moments fade, I am a little sketchy on the subject. Let me give you a brief synopsis, before THIS one disappears. First of all, it was riveting, and the implications where immense. I had solved all of the problems of society, space and time, plus how to keep the toilet paper from running out. It was truly beautiful, and it brought tears to my eyes.
But now, I believe disclaimers, and will try harder to read them.
It could have been a sign from God, not to impart this information. The world is not ready for it, not yet. And so, wistfully, I retreat to the darkness, to await the proper time.

It was stupid anyway.